by Adam Voight Adam Voight

Roeslein Alternative Energy’s 30/30 Vision Benefits Missouri Native Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are just one of the many species that benefit from Roeslein Alternative Energy’s 30/30 vision. This underlying goal is to restore and convert 30,000,000 acres of land to native prairie grasses in just 30 years. This vision benefits farmers economically and positively impacts surrounding ecosystems by creating homes for various types of wildlife, providing erosion control, and preventing flooding.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

A Road Map to Preventing Epic Flooding

Written by Rudi Roeslein

Another year; another ‘record-breaking’ flood; another debate about levees. Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. It is time to recognize that development in flood plains, wetlands and riparian buffers is causing these catastrophes. It is also time to recognize that nature has provided the only solution that is practical, cost effective and scalable.

We can soak up water before it floods.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Gas Natural

By Dean Houghton

Roeslein Alternative Energy was recently featured in a two-page article spread by, The Furrow, John Deere’s magazine publication. We hope you enjoy this article. To read the second-page hover over the bottom of the article and a box will appear allowing you to move to the second page of the article.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Roeslein Alternative Energy Opens Project Office in Milan, Missouri

Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) is proud to announce the opening of a new project office. The office will be located at 825 North Pearl Street, Suite 1, in Milan, Missouri. This office will be the home of RAE for the next 12 months as they work with residents in northern Missouri to expand their hog waste to renewable natural gas project. This office will be a resource for RAE employees and will allow area residents to interact with the RAE team. RAE representatives will be accepting appointments and walk-ins from landowners and residents who may have questions or concerns about the expansion of their current project.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Technology Converts Wastewater Sludge to Renewable Natural Gas

Written and posted by Energy.Gov

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) has developed technology that synergistically uses two waste biomass streams to generate two bioproducts. The technology enhances the process of anaerobic digestion of wastewater sludge by incorporating biomass-derived, carbon-sequestering char within the digester, thus creating pipeline-quality renewable natural gas while using the remaining biosolids for a high-quality fertilizer. With funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) totaling $1.5 million over three years, researchers at ANL have been able to develop and de-risk this technology, which is now ready for scale-up.

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