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About Roeslein Alternative Energy

Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) was founded in 2012 as an operator and developer of renewable energy production facilities that convert agricultural and industrial wastes, along with renewable biomass feedstocks, into renewable natural gas and sustainable co-products.

RAE engages in these business operations with a focus on sustainability and environmental improvement. Rudi Roeslein’s vision is to restore 30 million acres of grasslands on marginal lands throughout the Midwest in 30 years. Beyond that, we hope to use this as a model to restore hundreds of millions of acres of grasslands around the globe.

A rapidly growing population is causing an incredible amount of stress on our landscapes. At Roeslein Alternative Energy, we have a market-based solution to the competing demands of the need for both sustainable agriculture and renewable energy.

When land not naturally suited for agriculture is used to raise corn or soybeans; erosion, soil degradation, and water problems emerge. Ironically, the quest for additional energy often finds prime agricultural acres raising crops for fuel, rather than food. But, there is an alternative that restores balance. It creates a new sustainable energy industry, manages livestock and land resources, while delivering healthier soil, cleaner water, and healthier wildlife habitat.

The solution is anaerobic digestion, which naturally breaks down organic matter in an oxygen-free environment. A byproduct is methane-rich biogas which can be converted to renewable natural gas. The remaining solids can be used as natural fertilizer and the water for irrigation.

Roeslein Alternative Energy works to preserve our lands for the future and to show individual landowners and society as a whole we can collaboratively discover and implement alternative agriculture and energy solutions.

Our History

Our Mission

At Roeslein Alternative Energy, our mission is to help individual landowners and society as a whole collaboratively discover and implement alternative biomass and energy solutions. This mission will be accomplished in both ecologically and economically sustainable ways to protect and restore our environment and ecosystems.

What Does RAE Stand For?

With fuel and energy costs ever increasing, Roeslein Alternative Energy is turning waste into a valuable source of renewable energy. RAE is also focusing on soil preservation, watershed protaction, and wildlife habitat to help producers become more efficient and profitable.

Roeslein Alternative Energy was featured on PBS’s Show Me Ag segment. RAE’s Director of Communications Brandon Butler spoke about the company’s mission, values, and current goals. In this short video, travel to RAE’s job sites, learn about its prairie conservation, and how it’s making a difference for today’s wildlife.

Key Players

Rudi Roeslein

Chairman and Founder

Chris Roach


Tim Johnston

Vice President

Eric Bancks

Vice President of Engineering

Clancey Duttlinger

Project Manager

What if we could reverse global warming, stop erosion of our precious agriculture top soil, bring back our streams and rivers to healthy and vibrant arteries of our country, provide a way to become totally energy independent and totally renewable, revitalize the rural economies of our country, generate a reason for future generations to return to the land for a bright future, and do all of this while providing a landscape that includes our wildlife and pollinators.  That is my dream and my vision and I’d like to achieve this in my lifetime.

Rudi Roeslein, Chairman and CEO

Industry Support

Contact Us

190916 Roeslein HQ


9200 Watson Road, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO
63126 USA

P: +1-314-729-0055
F: +1-314-729-0070
E: [email protected]
