by Adam Voight Adam Voight

From pigs to prairie grass: Missouri company seeks new biogas feedstock

Published in Energy News Network
Written by Karen Uhlenhuth

A St. Louis entrepreneur has partnered with an agriculture giant on an experiment that could produce carbon negative renewable biogas.

A St. Louis alternative energy company has started the second phase of an ambitious biogas project in northern Missouri that aims to turn prairie plants from marginal farmland into renewable natural gas.

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by Adam Voight Adam Voight

Market-Based Solutions Proposed for Endangered Landscapes

Initial 200,000 Acre Grand River Project to Demonstrate Benefits for Environment, Wildlife, and Renewable Energy

Ultimate Goal: 30 Million Acres in 30 Years

St. Louis and Princeton, MO – An unprecedented gathering of business, agriculture, grazing, conservation and government change-agents helped launch a market-based approach to reduce soil erosion and nutrient run-off on endangered landscapes.

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by Adam Voight Adam Voight

Scalability of Solutions

Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) was founded in 2012 as an operator and developer of renewable energy production facilities that converts agricultural and industrial wastes along with renewable biomass feedstocks to renewable natural gas and sustainable co-products.

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by Adam Voight Adam Voight

A Tribute to Bill T. Crawford

It is with heavy hearts that we remember Bill T. Crawford – if it were not for Bill, and the men and women who worked tirelessly and often at great adversity alongside him, we would not be enjoying the wildlife heritage we have. They provided a model for the rest of our country that is still the best practice to be followed and improved upon. We need more people like Bill to carry the torch for future generations.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Roeslein Alternative Energy and Argonne National Laboratory Partnership

Published by DOE Science News
Written by Karen Ehlers

Renewable Opportunities Abundant in Illinois

Huge amounts of organic waste are generated each year in the United States, according to a recent report from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This creates a sizable market for technologies that can convert these wastes into usable products. The DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory has developed a simple and efficient process to do that.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Discussing Financial and Ecological Benefits of Prairie Strips at ISU’s 10 Year STRIPS Anniversary and Stakeholder Celebration

At the 10 Year Anniversary & Stakeholder Celebration for Iowa State University’s STRIPS Project, Rudi Roeslein, Founder and CEO of Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) and John Murphy, Manager of Sustainability and Ecological Services,  discussed the numerous financial and ecological advantages that stem from conserving prairie grasses and generating alternative renewable energy.

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