by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Power From Pork

Partnership turns manure into money

Published in Rural Missouri, August 2019 issue

Written by Jim McCarty

Rudi Roeslein will be the first to tell you he’s no farmer, even though he owns two Missouri farms. The Austrian immigrant made his money building machinery to make beverage cans and selling it all over the world. Now 71 years old and wealthy enough to chase his dreams, Rudi has three lofty goals. He wants to find alternative sources of energy, protect the environment and create more habitat for wildlife.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Smithfield Food and Roeslein Alternative Energy Team Up to Harvest Renewable Natural Gas from Hog Manure

Published by NEMO News

Written by: Echo Menges

On June 10, 2019, the global pork producing juggernaut and largest tax-paying entity in Sullivan County, Missouri, Smithfield Foods, and a fairly new to Sullivan County business, Roeslein Alternative Energy, LLC, (RAE) invited an influential group of journalists to Milan, MO, to embark on a renewable energy show-and-tell tour.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Smithfield and RAE Making Renewable Natural Gas

Published by Brownfield Ag News for America

Written by: Julie Harker

Smithfield Foods is a partner in making natural gas out of hog manure. Methane gas is being captured by Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) at Smithfield hog production facilities in North Missouri – which is purified and sold as renewable natural gas (RNG) to the California market. Rudi Roeslein, CEO of the energy company, tells Brownfield Ag News it’s sold on the federal market through an EPA program, “Called the D3 RIN which tries to come up with material that’s produced from cellulose and manure is actually, in 2015, qualified as a cellulosic product of renewable natural gas.”

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Smithfield Foods Marches Forward with Renewable Energy Projects

Published by Yahoo Finance

New Renewable Natural Gas Infrastructure Installations to Begin in Multiple States
Smithfield Foods, Inc. is pleased to announce the construction of new biogas gathering systems in Missouri and Utah, which bring the company steps closer to delivering renewable natural gas (RNG) to communities in multiple states using manure from its hog farms. Detailed in its recently released Sustainability Report, Smithfield’s “manure-to-energy” projects are part of Smithfield Renewables, the company’s platform that unifies and accelerates its renewable energy efforts to help meet its goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 25% by 2025.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Smithfield official honored for environmental work

Published by Supermarket Perimeter

Written by Ryan McCarthy

Smithfield Foods Inc., announced on May 15 that Kraig Westerbeek, senior director of Smithfield Renewables and hog production environmental affairs, was named as an Environment + Energy 100 honoree.  The program by the Environment and Energy Leaders Institute recognizes individuals for their leadership in environmental, energy and sustainability initiatives at their companies.

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by RoesleinAE RoesleinAE

Smithfield Foods and RAE Partner to Produce Renewable Energy while Restoring Missouri’s Natural Environment

Published by Globe Newswire

Written by Smithfield Foods, Inc.

Joint Venture Transforms Manure, Prairie Plants, and Cover Crops into Renewable Natural Gas

Smithfield Foods, Inc. and Roeslein Alternative Energy (RAE) have formed a joint venture called Monarch Bioenergy to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) across Smithfield’s hog farms in Missouri. This partnership converts manure collected from Smithfield farms into RNG, while simultaneously delivering ecological services and developing wildlife habitat. Once complete, all Smithfield company-owned finishing farms in Missouri will have the infrastructure to produce RNG, resulting in approximately 1.3 million dekatherms of RNG annually, which is the equivalent to eliminating 130,000 gasoline vehicles.

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